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5 Steps You Can Take to Help Senior Family Members During COVID
As the COVID 19 pandemic spikes threaten communities around the world, seniors in the US continue to face an increased mortality risk from the disease. In addition to advanced age, seniors often struggle with health conditions such as diabetes, which further increases their risk of complications. If you have an elderly loved one, here are steps to continue taking in order to protect them from the effects of COVID 19.
Geriatric Care Management
With changing times comes a change in the way we care for our elders. In the past, extended families often shared the job of tending to their senior loved ones. These days, families may live farther apart, and the responsibility for care can fall on one overwhelmed family member.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Protect Yourself and Your Family
What You Can Do to Keep Yourself and Your Family Healthy
Share Facts About COVID-19
Know the facts about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVVID-19) and help stop the spread of rumors
More Americans are dying at home than in hospitals
Americans have long said they prefer to die at home, not in an institutional setting.