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Tips for Making the Most of the 2021 Holiday Season
The holidays are typically a joyous time, and, despite the ongoing threat of a pandemic, many people continue to look forward to seeing families and engaging in some end-of-the-year fun. If you are a caregiver, however, the holidays can also be stressful as you prepare to see the family and make plans on top of your daily duties.
Enjoy These Foods for a Healthier Immune System this Winter
The food we eat can have a major impact on our overall health. Whether you are looking to boost your own immune system, or are a caretaker looking for natural ways to help your loved one, consider adding these to your diet:
3 Reasons to Get Your Flu Shot Early This Season
Flu season is starting and, while it may be tempting to put off the flu vaccine, healthcare experts recommend being vaccinated as soon as possible. Here are five reasons to get your flu shot early:
Planning the Holidays in the Face of COVID-19
As a caregiver, planning the holidays can be extremely difficult. This year, with COVID continuing to pose a threat, holiday planning is going to look a little bit different. Here are a few tips to ensuring a safe holiday season for yourself and your loved ones:
Tips for Tackling Emergency Preparedness as a Caregivers
Emergency situations are tough for everyone, but as a caregiver, preparing for the unexpected can be especially challenging. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you create your emergency plan as a caregiver in NYC:
Summer Safety Tips for Seniors
Summer is in full swing in NYC and surrounding areas and, while everyone wants to have a bit of fun in the sun, there are a few important things that should be kept in mind if you are caring for a senior loved one. If you are providing home health care for a loved one in NYC, here are is what you need to know
5 Benefits of Tai Chi for Older Adults
First developed in ancient China, Tai Chi is recognized as one of the Wudang Chinese martial arts. Tai Chi draws on internal power for self-defense, strength, and meditation. Tai Chi also offers great health and wellness benefits and is a great exercise alternative for older adults. Here are some of the benefits of Tai Chi for older adults, even adults who need home health care in NYC.
Is it Alzheimer’s?
Alzheimer's is different from the normal forgetfulness of aging. Alzheimer's is one of many conditions that cause the radical changes in memory, reasoning, and behavior known as "dementia." The normal forgetfulness of aging is just an inconvenience, a slowing down. The serious changes of dementia eventually result in the inability to live on your own.
What is Low Vision: Identifying Low Vision Problems
Low Vision is defined as reduced vision that cannot be corrected by glasses, contact lenses, or surgery. This might mean a reduction of visual clarity, or how well a person sees, or a reduction of the visual field, or side vision.
What is Low Vision: Common Conditions
Low Vision is defined as reduced vision that cannot be corrected by glasses, contact lenses, or surgery. While low vision can happen at any age, it is a prevalent problem among seniors. According to the American Family Physician, one in three adults over the age of 65 has some sort of sight-threatening condition.
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